About David


Growing up with 5 siblings and parents that took us hunting/fishing EVERY free weekend they had, I always thought I would become immune to it. Boy was I wrong. Once it gets in your blood there is no cure! Even now, at 55, I don’t think there is a day that passes I’m not thinking about the next time I am going to our lease just outside of Graham Texas. Either for the next hunt, to do a little pond fishing, gather fire wood, fill feeders, or to just go enjoy a nice mesquite grilled steak and cold beer with The Gang. Luckily I have a wife (Sandra-who set up this blog for me) that understands the infection I have and also enjoys her quiet time while I’m gone. I often tell her if she ever leaves me I’m going with her with one contingency-it has to be somewhere I can find a place to set up a hunting camp ! We started this blog as a way to share our camp experiences with friends, family, and anyone else that might enjoy them. We also would like to hear the same from you so please send your photos, stories, and comments so we can enjoy them too. Ps: Check out My Photos. My digital camera became part of my backpack in 2008 and I never leave camp without it. I have found it is harder to get the photo than it is “the shot”. Hope you enjoy.

“If you don’t enjoy my company lower your standards”


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